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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Thanet Primary School

Developing aspirations, building futures
and letting imaginations fly as we aim high




At Thanet we take pride in valuing the individuality of each child and the contribution they make to the school community. We are committed to giving our children the opportunity to succeed and reach the highest level of personal and academic achievement.

The aims of the school are addressed through all the subjects of the curriculum and through the general life and ethos of the school, through acts of collective worship, religious education, extra-curricular activities, community links, pastoral provision and programmes of personal and social education, including restorative practices.


The values at Thanet Primary School have been identified through work with our pupils, parents, staff and governors. 

What happens in our school will always be based on our five core values:


These principles underpin the behaviours of every single member of the school community: pupil; teacher; parent; governor.  It is a non-negotiable of the school.


Our Aims:

  • To provide a broad, balanced, relevant, exciting and engaging curriculum which meets the needs and abilities of all children and motivates them to become lifelong learners.
  • To promote the development of knowledge, skills and understanding for all children to achieve the highest possible academic .standards and to make good progress against their starting points.
  • To help all children achieve the highest possible standards in their personal development so that they leave us as well rounded young people ready to take the next steps in life and become good citizens in a multicultural world.
  • To provide a safe and happy environment for everyone and encourage children to act within the school’s five core values of respect, honesty, responsibility, friendship and kindness.

To achieve these aims we:

  • Provide a range of experiences to support our children’s physical, intellectual, emotional and creative development.
  • Provide an inclusive curriculum that gives our children the opportunity to achieve the highest of standards-regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, ability or background.
  • Develop children’s communication skills and for them to use ICT confidently as part of their learning.
  • Provide a rich, varied and up to date range of learning resources.
  • Set suitable learning challenges and use varied learning and teaching styles.
  • Create a secure environment in which children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural emotional needs are met.
  • Strive for continuous improvement in all we do through staff development and highly effective leadership and management.