At Thanet Primary we are all musicians!
Music Curriculum Intent
The National Curriculum (NC) for music aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music
- Be taught to sing, create and compose music
- Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated
In March 2021 the DfE released the Model Music Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2. This non-statutory document gave a framework for how the requirements of the NC can be met. At Thanet Primary School we have used this document to enhance and support the provision already in offer in the school. The MMC sets out sequences of learning in the following key areas which, when taken together, all contribute towards the steadily increasing development of musicianship:
- Singing
- Listening
- Composing
- Performing/Instrumental Performance
The progression of knowledge and skills is built around a growing understanding of these concepts, with the addition of musical notation. The curriculum is also designed around an understanding of world cultures, traditions and community through the lenses of music.
At Thanet Primary School the intention is that children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres. Our objective at Thanet is to develop a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music, and an unbiased respect for the role that music may wish to be expressed in any person’s life. We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community, and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts.
Music Implementation
The music curriculum ensures students sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate. This is embedded in the lesson activities as well as the weekly singing assemblies, various concerts and performances and the learning of instruments.
The elements of music are taught in the weekly lessons. Through the study of music children learn how to play an instrument, from all four main instrument groups of wind, strings, percussion and keyboards. In doing so, children understand the different principle of each method of creating notes, as well as how to read basic musical notation. They also learn how to compose focussing on different dimensions of music, which in turn feeds their understanding when listening, playing, or analysing music. Composing or performing using body percussion and vocal sounds is also part of the curriculum, which develops the understanding of musical elements without the added complexity of an instrument.
Rationale for sequencing of knowledge and skills within Music
The music curriculum at Thanet is sequenced so that children develop skills across the main strands identified in the Model Music Curriculum (March 2021): Listening, Composing, Performing and Singing, in addition to these, children also develop and understanding of musicianship and musical notation.
The curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6 is designed to build on the starting points within Expressive Arts and Design in the EYFS. In key stage 1 the focus is on enjoyment and appreciation of music where children have the opportunity to experiment with different instruments and practice and learn a range of singing techniques.
Throughout the curriculum journey pupils develop performance skills and use these throughout their time in school to perform for a range of audiences. This includes, singing concerts, for example the Festival of Carols at the City Hall, school performances, with ensemble groups and clubs in assemblies, Christmas concerts and leaver’s shows. There is always an opportunity to celebrate through music.
Curriculum time in music is supported by a range of peri-music lessons.