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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Thanet Primary School

Developing aspirations, building futures
and letting imaginations fly as we aim high

Early Years

At Thanet Primary we are all keen to start learning!

At Thanet we are all keen to learn! In our nursery we start building the foundations of early learning through a broad and balanced curriculum planned with the intention that our youngest pupils develop into well-rounded learners personally, socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, creatively and intellectually. Learning is child-centred, personalised to children’s areas of interests and built on a shared understanding that children develop at different rates. Our aspiration is that children leave our foundation stage with a good sense of self and others, confident to try new ideas, switched on to learning and eager to continue their learning journey at Thanet.


 At Thanet Primary School we, staff and students, believe in fostering life-long learning behaviours. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which will enable each child to develop personally, socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, creatively and intellectually to their full potential. Each child is valued as an individual and teaching and learning is based on the understanding that children develop at different rates.

We aim to:

•  Provide a safe, challenging, stimulating, caring and sharing environment which is sensitive to the needs of the child, including children with additional needs.

•   Provide a broad, balanced, relevant and creative curriculum that will set in place firm foundations for future learning and development in Key Stage 1 and beyond.

•   Provide opportunities for children to learn through planned, purposeful play in all areas of learning and development.

•   Use and value what each child can do, assessing their individual needs and helping each child to progress.

•   Enable choice and decision making, fostering independence and self-confidence

•   Work in partnership with parents/careers and value their contributions

•    Ensure that all children, irrespective of ethnicity, culture, religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties, disabilities, gender or ability, have the opportunity to experience a challenging and enjoyable program of learning and development.

We use the National Curriculum as a starting point, and embellish and deepen further as a school but at the heart of this is children being exposed to quality experiences and lessons with a large element of choice and need for independent thinking.  Pre-learning homework sets this up, often weeks ahead, and children are immersed into experiences with wow days and interactive activities.

We are Explorers, Astronauts and Scientists morning, noon and night.  We really do 'dive right in!' to our topics.

Parents coming into school to join in with these experiences at regular opportunities bolsters our offer and deepens the experiences further. We focus on a curriculum which is ‘built in' and not 'bolted on'. It is not a weaker relation to core subjects that only happen in the afternoons. We are Explorers, Astronauts and Scientists morning, noon and night.  We really do 'dive right in!' to our topics.

Additionally, within the curriculum, the children present in a manner which represents their personality, flair and shows their choice in learning with a personal path.  When children show an area of interest we record it down and ensure that this area of interest is explored either within a provision area or within lesson time. This is a new system to the school and the children are taking to it well.   

Our curriculum places the child back at the centre of curriculum and makes teachers think "What will the experience be for the children and how can we make the absolute most of each element?" By immersing the children into the curriculum, they have first-hand experiences whereby they develop their ability to think for themselves, be resilient and face challenges with strategies to overcome and progress.